Welcome & Happy 4th of July!

Welcome & Happy 4th of July!

HELLO! and Happy 4th of July!

Welcome to my new blog called Living the Everyday! 

Over the last 3 years we have been on a crazy transformative (<--- made up word but sound legit so I am using it haha!) journey that has lead us to homeschooling and now an international adoption that will be taking us to China (God willing) later this fall. Throughout these years I have been sharing bits and pieces of our story through my Instagram account and also my Photography Business website, but have recently felt that it was time to create a space that was specifically for this journey we are on.

No matter what phase of life you are in, I pray this space is encouraging as you read about our non-fancy everyday living. I'm just a regular girl who lives in a small town outside of a big bustling city that is wanting to live my life with purpose and fully for Christ. 

So... without further ado, welcome to Living the Everyday!

Our Adoption Journey || June Update

Our Adoption Journey || June Update