Fitness is FUN... Just Keep Repeating That!

Fitness is FUN... Just Keep Repeating That!

I have always considered myself as someone who likes the idea of regularly scheduled workouts and fitness regimes. But many times I didn't stay consistent with a workout or just got lazy and quit. (And let me preface this post by saying: this is my own personal fitness journey and isn't yours. But I hope you will find it encouraging.) I have a bunch of workout DVDs, an elliptical machine, exercise bike, and my husband has a weight set in the garage that I never touched until just recently.

About 3 years ago I found myself tired a LOT and turning to caffeine more often than I should. I would be sitting at my desk and my heart would start to flutter and pound irregularly because of the amount of caffeine I was drinking to get past the afternoon slump. Something had to change. We still ate healthy, but I needed to kick my butt back into gear and get on a REGULAR workout routine. My heart needed it.

I am NOT a runner. So that idea was out. Not to mention, the amount of time I had in my day at the time was limited. I couldn't do a 60-90 minute workout, but I knew I could commit to 30 minutes a day. I started researching 30 minute workouts and that's when I landed on p90x3. I read people's reviews, read about their before and after stories and thought I would give it a shot. Needless to say, 3 years later, it is still my favorite workout.

Fitness is FUN!

I did not start p90x3 to lose weight. I started working out because I needed to exercise and I needed it to be quick. I also wanted to build muscle so that when I fall, I wouldn't break a hip. Plus, really wanted to see if p90x3 worked. I'm not in my 20's anymore. I'm almost (*cough*) 40! Oh my word, just saying that is sooooooooo wwweeeeeeeiiiird! But I want to enter my 40's in better shape and health than I was in my 20's. I knew I could commit to 30 minutes a day, so I ordered it.

Talk about oxygen sucking, sweat dripping, heart pounding workout. And I LOVE it! I still have to modify some of the moves, even after 3 years, and still get a good butt kicking every time I press play. I look forward to working out. My body even needs it and craves it.

Brooklynn will often ask me WHY I workout. My answer: To stay healthy and strong. Period. That's it. Being physically fit doesn't look like one image. That is where the world has greatly distorted what being physically fit looks like. My body will not look like my friend's. Yours won't look like mine. And THAT IS OKAY! If we look at fitness as INDIVIDUAL goals, then comparing ourselves to others won't even exist. If we encourage each other to work harder, push harder, and set personal goals, then working out can be an amazing journey. Having the right mindset about fitness is where it all begins.

Now, 3 years later. I have new {personal} goals. New aspirations with my fitness to take it to a whole new level. For me. Not for anyone else. Just for me. 

So what are your fitness goals? Maybe it starts with walking 30 minutes a day. Or maybe you LOVE to run... Or you need something more structured like I did... Whatever it is, find what you love and stick with it. We have one body. I need it to stay strong and stay healthy. And speaking directly to Moms, we need to stay healthy and strong for our kids. So let's do it together. Let's build each other up, encourage one another, and build muscle together!

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