Painting With Watercolors

Painting With Watercolors

I like to dabble in a lot of "arts." If I see something that looks fun to do, I'll try it. Even if I completely suck at it. Because, why not? No one has to see if the outcome was an epic failure. 

I have been following a homeschool mama and adoption advocate herself on Instagram for the last year or so. Kristin Rogers is an incredibly talented woman and I love following her Nature Journal through watercolors. And for a while, I have been wanting to try it. To go outside, look at nature, bring it in and paint it. It's not about perfection. And for me, right now in this chaotic season, it is something that allows me to sit, relax, and let my mind be still.


My dining room is where I decided to pull out my supplies. It's quiet, there are candles, and I am not surrounded by toys. Brooklynn will also join me from time to time as well.

I am just starting to dabble in watercolors. I have done other pieces for our son's room, which I will post later as well as a few other pieces. But lately, I've been enjoying watching other people's technique on YouTube or flipping through books for inspiration.


When I walk throughout our house, I have oil paintings that my Grandmother has painted as well as a 91 year old piece my Great Grandfather painted while in Italy from 1927. They aren't award winning pieces or paintings that would hang in a gallery and be worth millions. But to me, they are worth FAR more than any monetary value because they are heirlooms. Pieces painted by the hand of my Great Grandfather and Grandmother.  

In this digital age, I often wonder what our kids will look to as heirlooms. My S6 Android phone? My iPad or Computer or hard drive with THOUSANDS of photos on it? 


Everything I paint my daughter says, "Can I have it!?" To me, they are chicken scratch. But to her, they are masterpieces that she cherishes. And who knows, maybe one of these watercolors or art pieces will hang in her house some day and she will walk by and cherish it.

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