Dear Moms, You Don't Have to Wait!

Dear Moms, You Don't Have to Wait!

I recently shared this on my Instagram Page, but also felt the desire to share this on my website as well...

One of the many "lies" I have heard said by stay-at-home moms, is that their life, dreams, desires, goals, fitness, travel, passions, etc. have to be placed on hold because kids are in the picture. That their life has to stop to raise children. Their place is on the floor playing pat-a-cake and engaging with their children every waking moment and that their passions need to be placed on hold "for a season" to solely raise their children. Even in the 21st century I have heard this said. And I HAVE to debunk that and say: THAT IS NOT TRUE.

I absolutely love my kids. I love homeschooling, and doing life WITH them. They are my pride and joy and I am beyond thankful that I have the opportunity to stay at home with them. BUT LET ME TELL YOU, I have to have my outlets for creativity, art, blogging, fitness, travel, and experiencing life withOUT them at times. Those things to do NOT have to come to an end or be placed on hold because a baby has entered the world. In fact, I would say it is even MORE critical NOW more than ever that you create space for YOU!

Yes, will life shift and change with every child? Of course it will. But Mama's you do not have to give up your dreams, passions, and goals. When they see you doing the things you love, it gives them an even greater pride and joy in who you are.

I completely understand that time can feel limited. Trust me. But it is SO important to carve out time for you. This time could be 30 minutes a day that you devote to you. Maybe it's going on a walk, ALONE. Maybe you've always dreamed of starting a blog to write the musings of motherhood and life... GO START IT! Maybe you've been wanting to get healthier and focus on fitness and nutrition. You've got 30 minutes a day to do that and I can help you with that! Whatever it is, give yourself permission to do something for YOU.

When I create space for me, my mind, body, and soul are in a healthier place. I can serve my family better and happier. And NO you are not being selfish. 

I have been listening to a lot of audio books when I get ready in the morning or am prepping dinner as the kids play outside. One of my most recent listens is by Jennifer Fulwiler. She is funny, witty, and talks about the fact that she never wanted to get married or have children. Yet here she was, a stay at home mom with 6 kids... She felt like her life was no longer meant to be lived for her, but entirely for her family. Until one day, she started taking time for herself. I HIGHLY recommend either listening to her audio book or reading it. She has put a fire back into my soul to pursue the things (and even new found passions) and not place them on hold.

One Beautiful Dream by Jennifer Fulwiler

Wherever you're at in life, know this, IT'S NOT TOO LATE to start the passion, dream, and desire that has been nagging at you for a long time. You DON'T have to have to wait to pursue the things you love because you have little ones. Let them see you enjoying your passions. This is one of the best examples you could provide your children.

Maybe you don't have children and you've been on the fence to begin something new. STOP DREAMING ABOUT IT AND DO! Not is the time. Not tomorrow, not next month or year. Not when the big promotion or next job comes along... but NOW.

There is a saying: ONE DAY or DAY ONE? Which will you choose? And know this, I am here cheering you on!!!


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