Front Porch Mornings
One of my favorite things about spring, summer, and fall is sitting out on my front porch, especially in the mornings. It is quiet. There isn’t a lot of movement other than the humming birds flying to the nearby feeder or rustling of the leaves from the wind. It’s my quiet place. And it’s needed. But it’s not just the quiet that I seek. It’s my uninterrupted time with God. It’s where I fuel up, get fed, and get my mind in the right place.
It definitely takes discipline to rise early and have this quiet time. It’s easy to hit my alarm clock and roll back over for just five more minutes, which we all know ends up being like thirty. It’s also easy to just reach for my phone… But it’s not my phone I need.
I’m thankful God doesn’t hit His alarm clock or grab His phone instead of spending time with me. Instead - He waits patiently and instead longs for me to spend time with Him. It’s not something I have to do. It’s something I want to do. To be fueled, to enjoy God’s creation, His word, and not just during my front porch mornings, but throughout the entire day.