We have all started a sentence with the words “What if” at some point in our lives.

The last couple of weeks “What if” statements have been rolling through my mind pertaining to those of us who call ourselves Believers. The statements have been powerful, convicting, thought provoking, and fueling a passion and fire within my soul.


WHAT IF we took God’s word and let it penetrate us? Not just 30 minute increments here or there on any given day when we feel like it. What if we truly allowed God’s word to flow through us and in us, to penetrate every fiber of our being? 

WHAT IF we truly believed that God’s word was sharper than a doubled edged sword?

WHAT IF instead of allowing outside voices, messages, ideas, thoughts, social media, articles, etc. to absorb us on a daily and hourly basis, instead we allowed God’s Word to flood our hearts and minds and have Truth be poured into our minds instead?

WHAT IF we obeyed Jesus’ command and lived out the Great Commission daily in our neighborhood, in our cities, in our country, and in our world?

WHAT IF instead of calling out other people’s faults in how we think they should be living the Christian life, we lived it first?

WHAT IF we loved people as much as we love ourselves? Treating the stranger like we would treat ourselves.

WHAT IF we humbled ourselves and prayed, sought the face of the Lord, turned from the ways of the world, repented, and listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit?

WHAT IF we allowed God to give us a new heart and new spirit and remove our heart of stone?

WHAT IF we truly believed that the Word of God judges our thoughts and attitudes of our hearts?

WHAT IF we prayed for those God has allowed to be in leadership and for our pastors?

WHAT IF we asked for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding?

WHAT IF we truly, deeply, intimately loved God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength?

WHAT IF we gave thanks in all circumstances, encouraged one another, sought Truth with one another, made every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace?

WHAT IF we didn’t merely just read the Word of God, we did what it says?


Scripture References:

Hebrews 4:12
James 1:22
Ephesians 4:17-32
2 Chronicles 7:14
Matthew 28:16-20
1 Thessalonias 5:12-24
Ephesians 4:1-3
Ezekiel 36:26
James 1:5

CHANGE begins with the HEART

CHANGE begins with the HEART

Mustard Seed Faith

Mustard Seed Faith