A Year Ago Today I Saw You

It was a year ago today I saw your face. I had seen so many faces up to that point... And at that moment your chubby cheeks, adorable smile, and precious eyes caught mine. You made me giggle and say:

"That's my kid..."

It was a bold and scary sentence to say.

Fitting in Fitness for Moms

I think that for the mass majority of mom's we find fitting in fitness to be hard. Much our days (well at least mine anyway) are filled with so many other things that just going to the bathroom ALONE is a huge accomplishment. (And all the mom's who work from the home with little ones say AMEN!)

PKU Awareness || Disorder NOT Disease

Gluten Free
Dairy Free
Peanut Free

These are just a FEW of the dietary needs among people today. But what a world we live in! Especially here in the United States, which accommodates hundreds of eating habits, trends, and needs!

Spring Cleaning Made Easy

Y'all, I have GRAND PLANS every spring to clean out every nook and cranny of my house and purge things not needed. And granted, I would say we do a pretty decent job. But that is mainly because disorganization drives me nuts and old broken toys make me crazy...

DIY Designs || Home Decor

I am not a professional home interior decorator by any means, but I love to decorate and do DIY projects and make old pieces new again. This has been in my blood LONG before HGTV has been around. It started with watching my mom's love for antiques and...